WTF is email deliverability?
Email is a fundamental part of digital marketing, thanks to its role as the gateway to consumers’ online purchasing behavior. Yet emails often don’t reach the consumer’s inbox, and marketers likely aren’t aware this is even happening. Globally, the average inbox placement rate was 83 percent in 2019 — meaning 1 in 6 messages failed to reach their target.
Without a keen eye on deeper metrics — beyond the typicals: open and click rates — marketers aren’t getting the full measure of their deliverability, or their reputation as a sender and how it affects their ability to reach recipients. And what’s impacting email deliverability? A multitude of factors. This WTF report defines deliverability versus delivery and offers expert insight for brands seeking email campaign success.
Download this WTF guide to learn more about:
- Essential elements of deliverability versus delivery
- What impacts the success of email campaigns
- Gauging the right metrics for measuring success
- How to get started with email deliverability
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