The brand’s guide to Black Friday Cyber Monday

Retail brands know that Black Friday Cyber Monday campaigns are critical — and they’re also a time of stress and anxiety for marketers as they race to get every last detail right to win sales. 

While the number of people shopping in-store and online continues to rise, brands still need to reach consumers with high-value offers that deliver on their budgets and wishlists. And with competition increasing and wallets tightening, timing is crucial leading up to BFCM. 

In this Tactics+Insights guide, Digiday and Klaviyo dive into how building loyal audiences ahead of the holiday season, implementing smart automation and providing strong customer support can drive successful BFCM campaigns in 2023. 

Download this new report to learn more about: 

  • How signups, offers and email deliverability rates play into the BFCM ramp-up
  • How marketers are updating automation and building reviews into BFCM planning 
  • Why BFCM customer support must be coupled with transparency
  • How to identify tools to bring all aspects of BFCM campaigns together

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The brand’s guide to Black Friday Cyber Monday
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