How increased their customer conversion rates
Now more than ever, it’s important for e-commerce businesses to understand and prioritize their customer’s online journeys. When an experience is hijacked, it can result in negative repercussions — something that home-improvement retailer learned firsthand.
Determined to find a solution to their predicament, the team at Build added a simple line of code that would not only lead to an uplift in conversion rate, but would also give their customers the clean shopping experience they had come to expect from
Join Patrick Berry, senior director of technology at, and Ellie Tamari, customer hijacking prevention advocate at Namogoo, on-demand webinar, as they explore the following topics:
- Defining online journey hijacking and the effects it has on e-commerce businesses
- How machine learning technology leverages thousands of data points to detect and block invasive content from spreading
- The benefits of implementing disruptive technology to improve your company’s revenue, brand equity and other important metrics
- The surprise discovery made after blocking unauthorized injections
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