The Feed: Meet the Other Mark Zuckerberg


FB Existential Crisis: Poor Mark Zuckerberg. No, not the Mark Zuckerberg, Indianapolis bankruptcy lawyer Mark S. Zuckerberg. See that’s just it, there is no room for Mark “the lawyer” Zuckerberg on the Internet with the Mark Zuckerberg taking up all of the space and credit. Facebook deleted the lawyer’s Facebook account thinking it was a Zuckerberg impersonator page. The lawyer also gets bothered by phone calls asking for tech support and other Facebook complaints—he probably shouldn’t have his phone number listed, but again, that’s another unfair consequence of sharing his name with Time’s “Person of the Year.” Mark the lawyer has even set up a website to clear up any confusion and to advertise his bankruptcy law office. As he acknowledges on his site, there are worse things than sharing your name with the Facebook founder (like sharing your name with Michael Bolton, hah at least he has a sense of humor and has seen Office Space?), but he also points out, “If you had Googled Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, you would have found me. No one else. Mark S. Zuckerberg, bankruptcy attorney. If you had repeated the search two years later, you wouldn’t have found me at all. Now my name isn’t mine any more. The website claims that only 1 Mark Zuckerberg exists in the entire United States. Which one do you think they’re counting?” Aw, poor guy. Don’t worry, we now know you exist.  Gawker


Terrible Twitter Account of the Day: If you haven’t already heard, the Taliban are on Twitter. Their account is @alemarahweb, and they use it to keep their followers up to date on their war against “infidel forces” and the “Karzai puppet regime” — pretty creepy stuff. Their tweets are in Pashtu and include exaggerated reports of attacks against their enemies. Interestingly, the Taliban are following @Afghantim, a user who describes himself as a U.S. Air Force logistics officer working as a combat advisor to the Afghan army, and @AfghanHeroesUK, a charity supporting British troops in Afghanistan. Today, social media is one of the fastest ways to spread information, which can be a good thing (as we’ve seen in cases of natural disasters like Katrina and Japan’s earthquake’s and tsunami), or a very bad thing. Twitter for terrorists, a very bad thing. The Guardian


Facebook Caught Red-Handed: Maybe Assange was on to something with his anti-Facebook spy machine tirade. As it turns out, someone at Facebook hired top PR firm Burson-Marsteller to spread anti-Google stories in newspapers. This secret smear campaign came to light when a blogger who had been approached by Burson to write one of these anti-Google stories refused and instead made the email exchange including Burson’s nefarious proposition public. Why is Facebook after Google? Looks like it’s all about Google’s social tool, Social Circle, which uses Facebook social data, unlawfully, according to Facebook. Looks like a clash of the Titans situation here. The Daily Beast


Video of the Day: Russian Facebook Roulette

Russian Facebook Roulette from Ilya Malyanov on Vimeo.



Tumblr of the Day: Advertising really works! Things Real People Don’t Say About Advertising.

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